Day 1:
Writing is like breathing for me. It seems to be part of the involuntary function of my brain and body the way breathing and heart rate just kinda...happens. If I don't use it, acknowledge it, take care of it, it is the mental and spiritual equivalent of holding my breath. My mind is always scripting and paragraphing so I figured I might as well start writing it down somewhere. Even if not a single other person on Earth or Internet ever reads it, it doesn't matter. I need to breath. Having said that let me warn isn't always GOOD writing! No one writes well all the time. Even the best writers on Earth have a drawer full of crap sitting somewhere. But without the manure you won't get flowers. So there you go.
I have another reason for starting this blog up. I want to know something. How much can a person change their life in 120 days? Lose weight, gain income, move out, fall in love, write a book, get out of much can a person REALLY do in 120 days? 4 months. 16 short weeks. I don't know. I don't know what other people can do in 120 days, probably a lot comparatively speaking. I doubt what I can do in 120 days simply because I have been floating in a stagnant puddle of worry and doubt for many, many years. Every year I swear I will be in my own home and a size 6 with a pair of those awesome knee-high heeled boots (that I always wanted but could never zipper over my calves) on my feet by Christmas. Christmas is approximately 126 days away. I wonder...
I like to THINK I am Wonder Woman. That's what I look like inside my own head. Sara, Amazon Princess, with her own line of reasonably priced corsets and bullet proof bling available at fine retailers near you. But when I look at myself on paper something doesn't add up. Well, I was never very good at math.
When I take stock of where I am financially, physically, mentally and all that jazz I am surprised. I think a lot of it has to do with lack of confindence and lack of focus. Mayhaps a dallop of lack-o-faith. I'm think now, though, with my 36th year waiting for me in December, I am pretty much over it. I am over this life, this doubt, this weight, this debt, this negativity that I have been afraid of kicking in the balls for so very long. I want it gone and I want it gone NOW. But is that possible? Depends what you believe, I guess. Slow and steady wins the race? Maybe. Tortoises seem to like the idea. Rascally, over confindent rabbits probably don't. I'm guessing. I've never asked them.
But what about the Quantum Leap? Not the show from the 80s. If space shuttles can do it, why can't I? Although space shuttles do have that whole brilliant-engineers-working-around-the-clock-thing going for them, don't they? At this point I'd be lucky to get a half wit with a driver's license to look under my hood...but I digress. What can a person achieve, with constant intention, in a short 120 days? Let's make it a game. A game of Quantum Leap Frog!
So here are my 3 objectives: Health. Wealth. Education. Those are the 3 areas I want to accomplish some kind of leap in. Tomorrow, Day 2, we'll get into the specifics. I will bare my naked (figuratively, this is a family blog) soul to you. All 2 of you who will end up reading this after I post the link on Facebook.
Go for it girl!!!