Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 13: The Answer is Right on the Tip of My Brain!

We've all had the experience when the answer to a question is right on the tip of the tongue.  You can feel it there, you just need to make sounds form around it to make it become real.  I had that experience today except it wasn't on the tip of my tongue so much as it was on the tip of my brain.  I was making chicken corn soup, which by the way, I finally wrote the recipe for.  It was one of my throw and go dishes but since part of my 'passive income' quest involves finishing my cookbook, I finally put it all on paper.

Anyway, while I was engrossed in the act of pulling chicken meat off the bone, peeling and cutting potatoes, slicing the corn off the cob my mind wandered over all the things I want to do.  It suddenly occurred to me that I knew the answer to my bigger problems.  I had this semi-tangible sensation that it was really quite simple, that it's been in front of me all along and I have been in my own way complicating things.  Now, I already knew that intellectually but at that moment a piece of the fog started to break up enough that I honestly got excited!  I stood there, waiting, waiting for the answer to pop, for that familiar sensation that comes when the word you are searching for finally materializes and you are amazed that you ever could have forgotten it.  But then it faded.  It faded as the cloudy funk-energy I live in barked in the background and I lost the connection.  DOH!  So close.  I tried to get it back the way you try to close your eyes and re-enter a good dream but apparently it doesn't work that way.  But it was was just starting to take shape and then it ::poof:: evaporated again.  How frustrating.  Yet strangely energizing.  I wonder if this is how Edison felt the first time he got the slightest hint of a spark in the first rudimentary bulb.

The soup was fantastic, by the way.

I've been reading a lot of frufru 'good vibration' kind of books just because I need to get myself out of this looping tape that plays in my head.  I'm still working my way through The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks and in it they talk very briefly about the idea of a Segment Intending Process.  I move into a new segment every time my intentions change:  if I'm cooking and the phone rings I enter a new segment as I answer the phone.  When I turned off the TV to write this blog I entered a new segment.  Their idea is this: every time I enter a new 'segment' I should take a moment to clarify my intentions for that segment.  Obviously some segments will be easier to prepare for.  If you pull into work and you know you have to talk to your boss that day you can sit in the car for another minute to pray or clarify what kind of emotion you would like from that meeting.  It's like a paving the moment in advance. 

It's not a new concept, I mean, you do this every time you say Grace before a meal.  You bow your head and apply the emotion of Gratitude upon the food provided and the Provider.  It never occurred to me, however, to do it with everything.  But it makes sense because one of my biggest issues with getting things done is letting myself get side tracked because I did not have a firm mind set about it.  I knew there were things I wanted to do but I always have this notion of, "Well, my plans never work out because something else always comes up", mostly because that is what I have always experienced.  But if I never learned to clarify my emotional intent and, most importantly, believe that my desires and activities are important and valuable enough to happen then of COURSE I won't get anything done the way that I want it to get done. 

I'm sure those of you who were born with the Goal Setting Gene firmly planted in your brains think I rode the short bus over to the computer but seriously, this is ground breaking stuff for me.  lol  So tonight, I go to sleep with the firm expectation implanted upon my squishy grey matter that I already know the answers and they come to me effortlessly whenever I need them.  I'm off to go dream a little dream.  Maybe I should get a tape recorder in case I start reciting lottery numbers in my sleep!  Awesome!

Sara Smile

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