My apologies, I have not been keeping up with the nightly blog. Technical difficulties abound. Some interesting things have happened in the past few days so drag up a rock and I'll tell you about them.
Saturday night a group of friends and I went to Gettysburg to do a Ghost Tour....super excited, been wanting to do one for a very long time and we were going to the Farnsworth house which is exactly the spot you want to go to in that town. It is one of the heavily investigated places for nationally televised ghost hunting shows. Anyway, we couldn't get into a tour group until 11:00 pm so while we waited be decided to go on another, cheaper (oh hind sight!) tour up the street. I wish I remembered the name of the shop where we bought the tickets so I could specifically tell you what NOT to spend your money on. It was a $7 trekk up and down the freakin alley behind the house. It was positioned somewhere between the Rupp House and the Dobbin House...I know because we 'toured' their parking lots! At one point we moved off the alley to a muddy creek bed that supposedly was filled with the bodies of dead and dying soldiers. We got the stink eye from a competing tour group because we didn't have 'permits' to enter onto private property...btw, that private property was a grass patch behind a garage. Worst. Tour. Ever. Our group kept getting smaller and smaller as we wandered from one parking lot to another...for an hour and a half. I kid you not. 90 minutes up and down a heavily trafficed alley.
Later we got to sit down in the pub of the Farnsworth House and have some munchies and drinks. They actually have a lot of the props left over from the filming of the Gettysburg movie on display. The Farnsworth ghost tour was much better and started out in the basement of the house. It was very, very creepy down there and would have been even more awesome had we not been 'visited' by a pair or drunks who were sipping booze from their Coke bottles. They were beyond drunk, they were flammable! We got to spend some time in the woods just below the cemetery and that had the potential to be really creepy, too. It was a perfect night out...perfect temps and nothing in the sky but stars and a crescent moon! But it's hard to get in the mood and really listen and feel what is around you with 25 camera flashes going off. I have to give props to the tour guides, they were very good at their jobs and one of them finally told the drunks to chill out. So that was a good time. Aaannnddd...I got to test drive a brownie recipe I've been stewing over. It was a mocha brownie with a pumpkin cheesecake swirl. It was good but there's room for improvements.
That brings me to my next interesting point. McDonalds coffee. Love the stuff. Juan Valdez is my sugar daddy and he treats mama nice. But when the chick at the drive through not only notices that you didn't order you're regular item but feel comfortable enough to comment on it, it's time to quit the habit. At least at that drive thru. haa haa No, seriously, I loves me some java but it really isn't good for you in larger quantities. Caffeine causes blood sugar to spike and drop rapidly leaving your head feeling wired and fuzzy and grumpy and it also leeches calcium out of the bones. A lot of caffeine also interferes with the body's ability to absorb Vitamin D properly as well. One or 2 normal sized cups a day is not that big of a deal but I don't have 1 or 2 cups, I have the whole friggin pot. I rationalize it by saying that since I don't use sugar in it anymore it isn't as bad...which is true...but it still isn't as great as a cup of mint tea or just clean, clear water.
No matter what eating plan, detox or routine I have done the hardest thing for me to give up is coffee. I really just enjoy it. Some people have a glass or wine or a cold beer, I like a mug of coffee, especially in a book store at a table leafing through some interesting reading a material. It's an atmosphere, a moment in time, a snapshot of relative peace and quiet. But I shall try to reign it in. This just may be the excuse I've been looking for to finally buy a Keurig single-cup machine. Yeah! New toy!
Let me hear from all of you. What are your vices? What little bit of food Heaven simply talks dirty to you when ever it is nearby?
Sara Smile
ReplyDeleteI think I know who wrote that above comment. LOL
ReplyDeleteI love me some wine. I would drink it every day if I thought it was a good idea and if I could afford it. I go through spells where I'm all about the coffee with the fancy creamer flavors. But, if I had to choose between wine and vino wins!
You know who